We've moved.
Number of trips taken in rental truck. 3.
Number of times we said, 'This is the last time we're eating fast food!' 6.
Number of times Buxton puked because he insisted on eating the grass. 5.
Number of spider crickets found. 1 alive, 1 dead. Darnitall!
Number of times Dominion Power was called in irritation. 5. Number of times Dominion Power was called in a mild panic. 10. Number of times Dominion Power was called in a complete and utter frenzy. 7. Number of times Dominion Power answered the phone. 1. Number of times Dominion Power said they would help us. 0. Sigh...
Number of days spent in the dark. 4 and counting.
Number of nights without water because you need electriticy to pump said water. 4 and counting.
Number of times Buxton ran out of the house without a human escort before the humans realized he needed to be tied up. 567.
Number of neighbors we've met so far. 7.
Number of neighbors we would have met if it weren't for Buxton continually running out of an open door. Maybe 0.
Minutes waited for cable guy. 0. Yay!!
Number of times we asked the cable guy if he could turn our electricity on. Just once.
Trips to Target. 3. Number of somewhat unnecesary things purchased. 10 out of 12. Number of necessary things we forgot. 3.
Total number of rooms furnished in the new house. 1.
Total number of kitchen cabinets left completely empty even after unpacking all kitchen boxes. 2. Yay!
Number of hours spent admiring our empty rooms and feeling happy with our new house when we should have been unpacking. 12 out of 48.