Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Two can play at that game Miss Cailin Christine!

And that officially ends the game of posting pictures of people in their finest. And apologies to mom for making her an innocent bystander in both incidents.

And also congratulations on the win!! Yay!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


and i thought everyone would appreciate this picture...this is erin at her finest.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring Cleaning

We're moving which means there needs to be A LOT of organizing/cleaning before the big pack-up. This weekend we spent all of Saturday cleaning out our pockets of clutter and collecting things for goodwill. Here are some things we found:

1. One million and five unopened bank statements that had to be shredded by hand as our electric shredder was too tired.
2. A beach bag full of shells.
3. A key to a Jeep which is quite a mystery since Hubby and I have never owned a Jeep.
4. Hubby 'found' a bunch of shirts that I bought him that had the tags still on. Very bad. And busted.
5. A lot of single flip-flops.
6. A bundle of envelopes that said: 'Open immediately. Very important information regarding your 401K' and such. Oops.
7. A casserole dish circa 1965 that was left from the previous owner. I think casserole is my least favorite word - along with supper. I will never make a casserole for supper. I will make a one-dish meal for dinner.
8. A hat that said 'Evacuation Warden'
9. A bronze medal from the Sugarbush Ski School race in 2nd grade. I think there were three of us in the race. I was never good at competition. Why not enjoy the ride down?
10. My library card. Yay!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Meg Cabot's "how to be popular"

i finished looking for alaska and i was soooo good. so no im on to meg cabot's "how to be popular"

i love meg cbot, she is an awesome writer, but i dont know about this book. its a good ook but i just dont agree with it. this book tells you about a girl who wants tobe popular and how she sees the popular people. but i dont think meg did her research on this one. she says that popular people have this in common:\

"they always have a ready smile for everyone"...true,sorta. they may have a smile but the dirty look and sneers come out just as easily

"remember a person name...popular people call others by their names..." true

"are good listeners who encourage others to talk about themselves" hahahahhaa not true

"make a person they are speaking to feel important-and do it sincerely. they always make the conversation about YOU, not about themselves!" yeah right, popular people are conceited, obnoxious, and annoying

how do i know this you may ask? well i defintily was "a popular" in middle school and i thought if i talked to someone who was "uncool" that they felt honored to be talking to me. thats the way we all were. in high school i dont really know. there is a definite loud group that you could consider to be the popular people but it is not nearly as bad as middle school. it sucks trying to be popular. i skipped lunch everyday in 6th grade because it wasn't cool to eat infront of boys. i would get lunch money from my mom and just pocket the money. i think it was after that, that i decided that this was stupid.

all in all populr people are people-pleasers and will do ANYTHING for people to like them


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy (now belated) St. Patty's Day!

We had our first annual St. Patty's Day party last night. It was a different kind of party because we decided to have it about three hours before the actual event. This caused for some creative planning and/or menu planning. As it was St. Patty's Day - and my name is Erin which is an exact result of my Irish heritage (Erin go Braugh does not in fact mean Erin-go-get-a-bra, it actually means 'Ireland Forever') - our menu centered around corned beef. To me, and probably to Cailly too, corned beef growing up meant Grandma T in the kitchen in a stinky corned-beef-cooking-all-day house with boiled cabbage (the worst kind), cheese potatoes, and all of us kids wearing matching outfits for some holiday and eating our corned beef sandwiches with Vernors ginger ale on rickety tray tables on the corduroy couch.

I never in all my life thought I'd make corned beef.

But, there are all sorts of ways to make corned beef and I think I found my preferred version. It was actually good! I liked it! And, in fact, everyone at the party Irish or not (some having never had corned beef before in their lives) liked it too. And there was no boiled cabbage in sight, replaced with sauerkraut and garlic mashed potatoes. I feel very Irish-y and domestic.

Our menu ended up being quite alcoholic:
Guinness braised corned beef brisket
Mint Irish Cream fudge brownies
Coffee with Bailey's
We offered a few non-alcoholic things as well such as mashed potatoes, salad, hummus, and olive tapenade.

Anyway, Cailin I am sorry to hear about your prom!! And, I knew you would like Looking for Alaska! I'm so happy. I'll have to buy you An Abundance of Katherines also by John Green because you'll love it even more.

I hope everyone had a nice St. Patty's Day!

Friday, March 16, 2007


well two days ago it was about 75-80 degrees, no lie. but the dsy of my prom we have a snow storm...awesome. so now its canceled. this sucks for many reasons:

1.we have to buy double the flowers and boutiniers (spelling??)
2.i have i keep tanning
3. i have to get my nails done again
4.i had to cancel my hair appointment
5. the rescheduled date, mike has a lax game.

anyway, w.e

i started reading "looking for alaska" the book is seperated into 2 sctions. before and after. and i could figure out what the before and after were. they were playing a prank so i was like "o maybe its before and after the big prank. maybe they get caught or something." but o no, thats not it. i dont want to ruin it but its a much bigger before and after. this book is so good, but not a good book to read in public. not for me anyway. everyone in a while i read someting funny and i just have to laugh out loud. i probably look like an idiot but i dont care. i started reading it on my way to philly and only got a couple pages in but then i just couldnt put it down. its really good. and i highly recomend it.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Jackson Hole!

We're back from vacation! Here are some highlights:

This is what it looked like:

We saw real dog mushers!

Favorite restaurant: Million Dollar Cowboy had actual saddles for bar stools. It was quite the local place and we felt pretty East Coast coming in with our poofy coats and goggle tans, so we took ourselves downstairs for a cowboy dinner and skipped the bar. And they had a breathalyzer by the bathrooms which of course hubby and my friend's hubby had to try. We declared it broken after the four of us couldn't figure out how to use it after an hour or so.

Most romantic moment: Three years ago Hubby and I got engaged on a ski trip in Banff, Canada. We were traveling with a bunch of his smelly ski guy friends and he took me on a date night (which has since become a tradition on all of our trips) to a nice dinner. When we came out of the restaurant, there was a cab waiting at the door for us. I didn't know what was going on, and hubby was super excited - we piled into the cab and hubby kept saying how much I was going to love this - when we pulled up to some horse stables. Everything was dark. They were closed. There wasn't enough snow, and they never called my hubby to tell him they had to cancel his sleigh ride reservation. The sleigh ride he intended to propose to me. He ended up recovering from the dissapointment and proposing to me regardless that night and it was perfect. Fast forward three years and I finally got my surprise date night sleigh ride!

Best ski experience: The entire thing! But especially when hubby kept bothering us all to hike to ski and we finally gave in on our last day under the condition he carried all of our equipment. And he was like, 'ok.' (We didn't actually mean it, and I'm embarrassed to admit he was still the first to the top....)

And the best part was we had snow! And you couldn't even ice skate on it.

At one point (on the way to the airport to catch the last flight out of Idaho Falls by the way) we had too much snow. But lucky for us the locals are pretty nice and helped us out... The first thing hubby said when guy in big red truck pulled up was 'Don't even ask how we got here.' And, we even made our flight!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

i finally got back on the blog!

sorry i havent written in about 523095705 years. i couldnt get on the blogger because everytime i tried to get on, it would tell me turn off my cookie function. i dont even know what a cookie is! let alone turn the function off. but thanks to my friends dj and eric, they helped me out. i might even let them read this...i totally just lied to you. i would never hear the end of it haha. well i dont even know when was the last time i blogged; but nothing huge has gone on in my life.

im a little stressed out because prom is on friday and i got my dress back yesterday from being altered....its too short now. im freaking out a little, but i cant do anything about it so i must just suck it up and accept it.

we had course selections this week and (with albsolutly NO help from my counselor whom i havent even seen this year yet) i decided on my classes for next year. i have no idea what i want to do with my life so i decided to take a course in just about everything...except science. sorry erin but i hate science, it could just be my teachers but regardless, i hate science.
this is what im taking next year:

religion (required)
personal finance

and i think thats it, just about a taste of everything. but im thinking that i might really regret journalism, but we will see. i can always drop it if i have to.

so, i have been exrtemo busy so i havent been able to pick up a book, but im doing some reading in school. in shakespeare i am actually enjoying the twelfth night, its kinda funny. and we just finished the quiet man in english, not too bad either. but a couple of weeks ago i was in baltimore for cheerleading and we went into a HUGE barnes and noble. i almost died. but i didnt buy anything becuase i have like 10 good books on my waiting list to read. but i really want this one book called assassinating shakespeare. its about this guy who travels around africa performing shakespeare monologes. its really funny actually. i only got to read a couple pages of it though.

well i must go but since i can get on the blog now hopefully i will write more often!!


Friday, March 02, 2007

Ahhh vacation....

We leave for vacation tomorrow. Our annual ski trip. Usually we go skiing with hubby's friends. This would be a typical day:

8am: Meet ski guide because skiing 'in bounds' is apparently boring.
Me: *Hoping for a nice leisure day of skiing: good views, soft snow, time with friends, ahhhh heaven*
Them: Dude, we're looking for an EPIC day of skiing. Got any helicopters to jump out of?
Guide: Yes. But first, put on these avalanche beacons, strap into these harnesses in case you fall into a crevass, and put on these backpacks that predict avalanches and puff out like airbags if you are in danger.
Me: We're going to stop for lunch right?
Them: We love crevasses!
Guide: Me too!
**They all look at me, but I actually don't like crevasses. Hubby pulls my harness tighter and we're off.**

But this year we're going with MY friends! Yay!! No helicopters! No ski guides! No cliffs and/or crevasses! We might even ski on the trails! It is totally exciting.